After the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, many people have become increasingly concerned about their physical and psychological well-being. This trend is evident in “The Great Resignation,” where individuals are leaving their high-stress jobs for better working conditions, hours, and less fatigue. Consequently, Luxury Wellness Retreats have emerged to cater to this new need.
However, the concept of vacation centered around healthy eating and exercise is still uncommon, leading to several misconceptions and myths about Wellness Retreats. Some people believe that such retreats are extremely strenuous and not enjoyable, while others cite the low effectiveness of wellness programs. Wellness Retreats may also be confused with medical tourism. However, these beliefs are unfounded and far from the truth.
What Research Says
Dr. Cornelia Voigt’s critical overview of Wellness Tourism yields interesting insights. Firstly, Wellness Retreats, inherently, are aligned with the idea of holistic improvement and positive function, not just the simple absence of disease. This is in stark contrast to medical tourism, which is travel for often invasive surgery. Top Wellness Retreats now focus on individualized wellness programmes, yielding positive health benefits for guests. These programmes go beyond implementing a cure to build a healthier and more resilient mind and body.
Participating in such Wellness Activities has generated research-backed support for efficacy and benefits. According to researcher Strauss-Blasche, a 3-week stay in a health resort showed that health complaints, fatigue, and pain reduced, while positive mood and sleep quality rose. Additionally, in an in-depth observational study by Dr. Marc M. Cohen, statistical data showed a significant improvement in various aspects such as Levels of Depression, Anxiety, Mood, etc. A reduction was also seen in stomach fat and weight. Interestingly, these improvements were seen just after 1 week, and sustained beyond 6 weeks!
Luxury Wellness Retreats, thus, can effectively help you develop a better physical and mental self, without skipping out on the usual draws of a vacation – Good Food, Scenic Views, and Luxurious Relaxation!
The Dharana Way of Life
Looking to explore Wellness? Your Journey can begin today, at one of the Best Wellness Retreats, The Dharana Wellness Retreat in India. Experts at Dharana have developed various Wellness Programmes for you to partake in, based on your goals. Looking to manage weight better? Consider the Sustainable Weight Management programme! Or, if you’re looking to improve your quality of sleep, check out the Dharana MINBOS programme. Each programme has been developed after extensive research, with expert guidance during your stay. As a Wellness Retreat near Mumbai, Dharana’s location allows for accessibility without compromising on the scenic beauty and peace of nature. Situated in the Shillim Valley, the retreat utilizes sustainable measures to provide a complete eco-wellness experience.
Step into the Dharana Way of Life at one of the Best Wellness Retreats in India. To reserve, click this link.