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World Energy Conservation Day: Why it’s important and tips to practice energy conservation

December 14th is observed as Energy Conservation Day. People around the world celebrate the universal initiative of energy conservation. This day aims to raise awareness amongst the people regarding the importance of energy conservation and efficient energy use.

But what is Energy Conservation?

Energy conservation is the dedication and effort towards reducing the consumption of energy. This is achievable by reducing the amount of service usage or using energy efficiently.

The conventional sources of energy consist of coal, petroleum products, and nuclear energy in limited quantities. World Energy Conservation Day draws the attention of decision-makers towards energy generation via non-conventional sources. Non-conventional sources of energy such as biomass, biodiesel, biogas, wind, hydel (large, mini, and micro), tidal, solar, and nuclear fusion hold the potential for being the future of carbon-neutral energy.

Why and how does energy conservation matter to consumers? Many people around the world still lack access to electricity. Energy conservation is important and relatable to consumers because of the environmental and economic benefits that come along with it. Not only does it result in lower living expenses, but it also contributes to protecting the environment from overconsumption of resources and carbon dioxide emissions.

Energy conservation and efficient use of it is an objective that everyone can and should contribute to. Be it a factory, a household, a big commercial building, or even a small shop, each user and producer of energy must try on a personal level that shall reflect on a higher level. To implement this, one needs to understand the difference between energy efficiency and energy conservation.

Although we use the phrases quite often, we are unaware of the subtle but important difference between them. Energy efficiency refers to using technology that consumes less energy to function as other high-energy-consuming devices. While energy conservation is the deliberate action or direct effort taken that results in less energy usage.

Here are a few ways you can do your part to conserve energy and opt for efficient use of it:

  • Turn off the lights, fans, and other appliances running on electricity when not in use
  • Clean the excess ice build-up from the refrigerator regularly
  • Install a programmable/smart thermostat that automatically reduces or turns off the cooling and heating at times you are away or asleep
  • Use energy-efficient appliances like CFL or LED bulbs and tube lights in your lighting fixtures that use less energy compared to incandescent bulbs and lights
  • Weatherize your home by sealing the leaks and cracks in your home in the most common areas like windows, doors, and vents

Dharana at Shillim, an eco-wellness retreat near Mumbai, focuses on adopting a holistic approach to ensure a sustainable wellness journey. This eco-retreat is built in nature without disturbing the natural beauty of Shillim. Dharana at Shillim practices sustainable measures to maintain the balance between human habitation and nature in the Shillim valley. The Shillim Story deep dives into the retreat’s ideology, the history, and sheer dedication and efforts put in to contribute to the well-being of the location and people living around it.

This wellness destination practices sustainable measures like organic farming, organic cooking, etc. The entire property’s electricity requirements are catered for by the 500 KW Solar Farm on site. The retreat is equipped with 100% energy-efficient lights and Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV) air-conditioning technology. Energy-efficient heat pumps for hot water efficiently heat water using atmospheric heat on demand. LPG-fired steam generators are used for laundry and spa areas.

The retreat strives to make a positive impact on the social welfare of the area without harming nature via sustainable practices.